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The official site of William Moses Summerville

An ordained Baptist minister, Rev. Summerville serves as the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Come Community Church (KCCC) in Southern California, and a Hospital/Hospice Chaplain throughout the LA County and Orange County regions. Recorded sermons can be viewed on the KCCC YouTube channel. These sermons often highlight how persons wrestle to engage day-to-day challenges within our society. The church focuses on being socially educated, welcoming and affirming, and mission driven in its approach. Kingdom Come Community Church is an affiliate of the American Baptist Churches, USA, Rochester Genesee Region headquartered in the state of New York. Church services are every 2nd Sunday at 1:30pm located at First United Methodist Chapel of Lakewood, CA.


William is a Doctoral Candidate at Omega Graduate School, Dayton, TN, studying the Integration of Religion and Society, while finishing a Master of Arts in New Testament at Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA. He holds a Master of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL, and a Bachelor of Arts in Theater with a Minor in Dance from Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR. His research interest involves introducing a new concept called cultural metriopathy that measures how a persons passion is compelled within certain cultural groups to either move into action of advocacy or remain in cognitively dissonant in complacency toward societal ills. The goal of this research is to evaluate racial equity through empathy focused on self-restraint, sacrifice, and re-negotiating a new normal.


YES! Advocate, activist, public servant... Rev. Summerville's work expands beyond the conventions of religious contexts. From his early years of becoming an Eagle Scout and serving as an Air Force Reserve Chaplain. A turning point into politics took shape from the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders in 2016, who inspired and led Rev. Summerville to be the top Elected Delegate of California's 48th Congressional District. Since then, his political goals have been to increase voter education, accessibility, and turnout. Without winning, Rev. Summerville successfully completed a hard-fought congressional run that has built solid momentum for him to eventually hold public office. The focus of his political advocacy and aspirations is to remain committed to the ideal of what it means to serve the people

William Moses Summerville's purpose is contributing to create world peace through understanding and education. 


This website is the consulting point of contact for William Moses Summerville. The Summerville Exchange provides updates of the following: articles, blogs, reflections, publications, speeches, sermons, and devotionals that can be found in "The Work" link. The goal of these updates are to serve both the needs of the individual soul and the soul of the community for a better world. On the "Services" page through The Summerville Exchange, William offers a variety of services for hire to support an individual or institutions that want to seek resolve, resolution, and/or reconciliation. William Moses Summerville through The Summerville Exchange allows him the space to live his passion in serving others.


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